>>The ship rocks to and fro with the motion of the waves...
The pirates close-in on the young Rakash, crawling over railings and crates as they attempt to choke any means of escape.
A strapping Gor'Tog covered in scars makes the first move, lunging his cutlass at the Captain. The Rakash leans to the left, stepping into the attack and placing himself under the Tog's arm. Driving his kaft directly upwards, he thrusts the knife directly through the muscles of the bicep and pulls it out again. The sailor drops his weapon and screams in agony.
The Rakash listens as footsteps echo across the deck board, approaching him from behind. He spins around, coming face-to-face with his opponent, grabbing him by the head and giving him a head butt directly to the bridge of the nose. The man falls to the floor, grasping his face with blood-strewn hands.
The sailors increase their assault, coming at the young Captain in pairs, though it gains them very little. The Rakash moves across the deck like a dancer performing, his steps both purposeful and executed with an understated grace.
"Bah! We got this!" one pirate says as he taps his friend on the shoulder. They break away from the group and close in on the Captain.
The two burly Humans attempt to flank the Rakash, approaching him from both sides with their swords in hand. One thrusting high, the other low, they time their attacks in an attempt to overwhelm the Captain's defenses. Twisting and turning, the Rakash parried every attack until he notices them starting to slow. Waiting for the right moment, he steps back, causing the attackers to run each other through in the confusion.
The Rakash snickers.
An Elf and Dwarf join the attempt to conquer the Captain, the Elf throwing a series of knives while the Dwarf closes in with a boarding axe. Picking up a lid from a nearby barrel, the Rakash blocks each of the oncoming knives, causing them to stick into the sun-bleached wood and not his limbs. He side-steps the charging Dwarf, kicking out his feet in the process and forcing him to fall directly on his own axe. Flinging the shield with deadly accuracy, the Captain manages to hit the Elf directly in the chest, knocking him over the railing and into the choppy water.
The Rakash sneers at the remaining sailors, displaying his defiance boldly across his face.
One of the men yells, "You lazy dogs! He's just a boy. Just one boy."
At the sound of this the Rakash finally launches his own offensive, lunging into an attack on the nearest opponent. He stabs his kaft through the stomach of a sailor, twice, leaving gaping holes in the man's abdomen. Before he can turn to face the next attack, he is smashed in his lower back by the Gor'Tog from earlier. Now brandishing a makeshift club, the Tog looms over the Rakash.
Slipping his hand into his quiver, the Rakash grabs his cuska, drawing it out with a fluid motion and gripping it in his left hand. Swinging the trio of weights around, the Rakash gains momentum before releasing it directly into the chest of the Tog. The weapon hits its mark, slamming into the opponent and breaking the bones surrounding the heart.
The Gor Tog falls, dead as can be.
A sneaky Halfling tip-toes down a banister and manages to get behind the Rakash, drawing his dagger in the process. Leaping from his poison, the Halfling sticks the Rakash in the back of his shoulder with his weapon and leaves it there. The Rakash turns, grabbing the little man by the hair of his head and drawing his own weapon cleanly across his throat.
The Rakash releases his grip on the corpse, letting it drop to the deck with a sick thud.
With swift motions, the Captain pulls the dagger from his shoulder and throws it at one of the sailors. The blade sticks directly into the right eye and causes the attacker to drop to his knees in pain.
Another Elf, who had been watching from high up on the yardarms, swings down on a line of rope with a rapier in hand. The Rakash steps back, leaving the sailor to whiff through the air and miss his attack. The Captain jumps up and grabs the rope, cutting it just below his grip. The Elf screams once before splashing into the water, while the Rakash swings back down to the deck with a deft grace.
The attacks continue, the Rakash taking more than a few wounds during the heated scrap. Bodies pile on the deck as the Captain counts each member of his wretched little crew. When they all lay dead or dying he finally drops his guard, taking a moment to assess his combat conditions.
Everything goes black...
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